From pony to Paralympic dream:
the journey of Demi Haerkens
“My big dream is to participate in the Paralympic Games. And when I have something in mind, I do everything I can to make it happen.”
The Beginning: Demi's First Steps in Equestrian Sports
Demi Haerkens' passion for equestrian sports started at a young age. At the age of five, she received her first pony from her grandfather. It was love at first sight. Not only did she enjoy the fun she had while riding, but it also had a positive impact on her disability. Thanks to her perseverance and determination to ride, despite her muscle-nerve disease HMSN, she soon discovered that horse riding had a beneficial effect on her strength, balance, coordination and motor skills. Since then, Demi's love for equestrian sports has not only helped her overcome her physical challenges, but has also led her on the path of professional para dressage.
The impact of HMSN disease on Demi's life
At a young age, Demi was diagnosed with the muscle-nerve disease HMSN, a hereditary disease that she inherited from her mother and grandmother. The disease causes muscles to become increasingly weak, which can eventually lead to paralysis. As a result, Demi has much less strength in her body than others, especially in her arms and legs. She tires quickly and often suffers from muscle pain. Despite these challenges, Demi has never given up. She has turned her illness into something positive and uses horse riding as a means to improve her physical condition. She is convinced that with a good dose of perseverance you can achieve anything, as long as you enjoy it and continue to believe in yourself.

Para dressage: Demi's introduction to para sport
She traded her B-pony for a D-pony and began her journey to the top. Demi won multiple district championship titles and impressed time and again at the Brabant Championships.
While she was riding regular ZZL, Demi heard more and more about para sport. At first she didn't want to know anything about it because she thought it would put a stamp on her disability. But she soon realized that para dressage is a top sport and could be a challenging opportunity for her. At the age of 19, when she got her horse, her adventure in para sport took serious shape. She made her competition debut and during her first international competition she immediately scored a hat trick. This marked the beginning of her successful career in para sport, which brings her ever closer to her dream: participating in the Paralympic Games.
“For me, giving up has never been an option. It is always trial and error, learning and continuing. My whole life is about the love for my horse and the passion for my sport.”
Perfectionisme en discipline: de sleutels tot Demi's succes
Wat Demi Haerkens onderscheidt in de paardensport, is haar diep gewortelde perfectionisme en ijzersterke discipline. Ze traint zes dagen per week, vaak met haar toegewijde trainer, en neemt geen genoegen met minder dan haar allerbeste prestaties. Haar perfectionisme strekt zich uit tot alle aspecten van haar sport, van de verzorging van haar paard tot de fijnste details van haar rijtechniek. Maar het is haar discipline die haar in staat stelt om haar perfectionisme om te zetten in successen. Demi's vermogen om zich volledig te focussen op haar doelen, ondanks de fysieke uitdagingen die haar ziekte met zich meebrengt, is een inspirerend voorbeeld van hoe discipline en doorzettingsvermogen kunnen leiden tot buitengewone prestaties.
“Mijn toewijding aan de sport gaat verder dan alleen het behalen van medailles, het omvat ook het zorgvuldige beheer van het welzijn van mijn paard en dat is de hoogste prioriteit.”
Demi's dagelijkse routine: een leven gewijd aan paarden
Elke dag in het leven van Demi Haerkens draait om paarden. Zes dagen per week traint ze intensief, en de zevende dag is een welverdiende rustdag voor haar en haar paard. Maar zelfs op deze 'rustdagen' is ze volledig betrokken bij de verzorging. Demi's toewijding aan de paardensport houdt niet op bij het zadel. Ze is elke dag bezig met het welzijn van haar paard, zorgt voor zijn voeding, verzorging en training. Thuis kan Demi een beetje een sloddervos zijn, maar als het om paarden gaat, wil ze dat alles tot in de puntjes perfect is.

The team behind the dream: Demi's indispensable support network
Behind every successful rider is a strong team. For Demi Haerkens this is no different. Her parents, trainer and national coach play a crucial role in her career in para dressage. They are there to support her, encourage her and help her with her training. Demi is grateful to have such dedicated people by her side.
My journey is full of amazing moments that have not only put me on the map as a top athlete, but also as a source of inspiration for many. The highlights? Those gold and silver medals I scored at the 2022 World Championships, and not to forget, the unprecedented three gold medals at the 2023 European Championships.
“My bond with EHL Daula NOP is very special, I can read and write with that horse and because of that I think we are a golden combination.”
On the road to 2024: Demi's dream of the Paralympic Games
Demi Haerkens has a dream: to compete in the 2024 Paralympic Games. It’s a goal she set for herself when she discovered the world of para dressage and it’s a goal she has been tirelessly pursuing ever since. Demi knows that the road to the Paralympic Games won’t be easy. It requires hard work, dedication and an unwavering belief in herself. But if there’s one thing Demi has in abundance, it’s that determination and perseverance. With the support of her team and the love for her sport, Demi is ready to overcome any obstacle that comes her way. She’s giving it her all to make her dream come true and is looking forward to the day she can represent her country on the biggest stage in para dressage.
"When everything comes together perfectly at that one important championship and you win those gold medals, it's a great feeling. You enjoy it but at the same time I'm already thinking about the next goal."